Mr. Board - is a likes you.... Smart man !Ya know you speak it like it is... You remind me of someone -lol
this stock has taken too many pot shots - throw in al the rope on good news - then all the excuses of why this stock has dropped - which I never bought into those lame a-ss excuses - - I have my own theories - and each day that passes and analyzing many a posts - it's just one big ffff game - stock doesn't even move on currency indifferences - sick sick sick...
sorry to to see you go silver but have to say it.... Bad timing to sell.... Like we needed another 1/2 penny drop....
as as per your share sell an-an- omaly and shares sold not showing - there's another puzzle to figure out...
I just hope PYD sttill remembers the shareholders now that it's all about financing each contract....
Oh Macy - please wave the wand - you're a brilliant man - do something spectacular.... We shareholders want to see some real action - enough of the conservative moves - the market flames are licking everyone's as-s - meaning markets aren't so good - stocks are down - please get this stock up and Adam... Before it tanks further.... Please look in the rear view and remember the shareholders.... Thanks !