Re: Short sellers''professional" Bombardier bashing.........Bombardier shares (especially the common B) have been and continue to occasionally be manipulated by shorts, forcing shares to lower levels on high trading volumes......
That said and about Stockhouse bloggers & bashers, I really don't think that anyone on this board has sufficiently deep pockets to make much difference in manipulating shares.
To those who have successfully shorted the shares, I say good for you! But you are not the ones who matter at all about Bombardier share've just been lucky by ridding institutional coat tails!
I don't trade much and I don't short (I know, I've missed good opportunities in the last year). My take is that it's now very late to be short BBD and unless the company suffers from another big set-back (such as last year's liquidity crisis) and doesn't get new orders in the next 1-6 months, I'm going to continue to build my own BBD position with buying opportunities such as now.