In business, who can you trustEveryone including COS management were saying you couldn't believe Steve Williams. As it turns out, cos shareholders couldn't believe what their ceo was saying also. I don't take it personally as I said all along, this is business and in the situation they were in, what did you expect them to say. COS CEO was fighting for a higher offer but at the end, the severe depressed oil price didn't give him much chances. It will be interesting to see their earnings in 9 days. If COS would have taken the offer of about 12.50$ in april, when it was trading at about 11.25, most would not have been happy with that offer back then also.
And you are not any worse off today for not taking that offer. if you would have taken that offer and stayed with Suncor you would be down about 25% (39$ back then to 29.50 today); the same amount you are down with cos (11.25 on april 9 to 8.25 today). If you would have taken the offer of around of around 12.50 and invested somewhere else you would be down even more as even Imperial oil is down 25% from that period, WCP is down 55.8% since april 9, BTE is down 89%, ECA is down 63.7%, CNQ is down 41% and CPG is down 56.7% and so on for the rest of energy shares. Without the deal with suncor cos would be down between 50% to 60% from it's price of April 9. The only way you would be farther ahead today is if cos took the offer on april 9 and you took that money and didn't invest in any other oil stock and we know that's not what most would have done.