RE: rrRight now a few HD guys are robbing us blind, a fact we've known for some time. What we didn't (or at least I didn't understand) was that they hold almost no stock. Our company is their bank. Why would they ever want anything to change?
So what's the problem with 5 outsiders coming in to clean house? They own 5% of the company, and I expect plan on buying more. Isn't it better to have shareholder interests aligned with management's interest? We know the Curis deal stunk from the beginning, and that's before I learned yesterday that HD got a payday to sell us a legal trainwreck of a project.
As to the core assets, they would mean Gibralter, maybe NP. And maybe they see some hope for Florence. They certainly aren't calling Aley or Harmony core assets. To the extent they have any value whatsoever, get them gone. For heaven's sake if Harmony didn't have any value during gold's major run over the last decade, when exactly is it going to have any value?
As to the HD management contract, exactly what services are being provided that can't be hired directly? $5 million/year buys a lot of staff.
I can't imagine that RR doesn't already have the larger holders already lined up to support them. I've been completely stunned over the years as to how quiet the larger holders have been.