RE:RE:if they can hold onIt's a Bloodbath.
Current Price $0.12
Potential 5 year upside $3.60 (30 bagger)
Potential 5 year downside $0.00
I wouldn't bet the farm on this one but pretty the potential risk/reward is signifcant .
BRY is reducing inventories and reducing debt. If these guys are one of the intermediate suppliers to survive the downturn they will come out swinging.
In 4 conscutive quarters in 2014, BRY did ~$200M in revenues and has not lost any market share...has only lost a proportional amount of revenue similar to other service companies. Not bad for a company with a market cap of $2.8M present day.
There are some messed up leaders of countries with much of the oil production that rely on fair energy rates to pay the bills. ....I can't see this continuing for much longer.