"Collasal Failure"?? Frogger you "tell'n stories 'gin"The "Endo Experience" has multiple "explanations" and without doubt helped to prove the unquestionable safety profile of Urocidin ( MCNA )
Inititally we were told that the trial "failed" because the comparative ( Mitomycin - spell ) was in fact a very "poor" treatment and therefore, the trial had great difficulty "recruiting" because Mitimycin vs. a new unknown treatment call Urocidin was NOT a 50/50 lotto that any patient was willing to take. I bought it and was explained just that by a former "exectutive" from our "interesting little drama". Then there was the explanation from our young lady at the ADCOMM Show that told the panel the trial did not go as planned due to a "shortage of Mitomycin"...this is a much different story than both I and the market was initially told..."so which one is it"...if i were answering I would say a "little of both" ; - )
Then there is Frogger, our friend, that while watching Disney on a quiet Sunday afternoon delivered the 15% loan agreeement to the bullboard while the ink was still "soaking wet" In addition to "Froggair's prompt reporting", we had "all the friends" respond IMMEDIATELY with detailed analysis on the "15% hoop shot" I have NO doubt that "Froggair" is a pure FRAUD and part of the tidy little "group of friends" that are assigned to this drama.
The ENDO trial provided close to a 100 patient data set that allowed the FDA to confirm SAFETY on top of the original 129 patients from the first phase III that provided EFFICACY and SAFETY to an area of cancer care that needs an option NOW!!!
Stay tuned kids and understand that this bullboard is a "CROOKED ME$$"
"King Sarloc" - really kids....you guys should be dismissed..you're not very good at what you attempt to do - IMHO