OTCQX:BGMZF - Post by User
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Rollercoasterblueson Jan 26, 2016 6:38pm
Post# 24496049
The "GO" Button has been pressed....
The "GO" Button has been pressed....When you news like this, its not pumping but reality.....
Earlier this month, billionaire former hedge fund manager George Soros warned of an impending financial crisis similar to the last major one, which sent shockwaves throughout global markets.
The comparisons to 2008 have triggered gold’s Fear Trade, with many investors scrambling into safe haven assets. Jeffrey Gundlach, the legendary “bond king,” recently made a call that amid further market turmoil, the metal could spike as much as 30 percent, to $1,400 an ounce.
Making such predictions is often a fool’s game, but there’s no denying that gold demand is on the rise, both in the U.S. and abroad. For the one-month period ended January 20, gold (and silver) outperformed, comfortably beating domestic equities as well as a basket of other commodities.
Read more at https://www.stockhouse.com/opinion/independent-reports/2016/01/25/comparisons-to-2008-spark-gold%e2%80%99s-fear-trade#gDqGHxBuKqmUW8Ys.99
The cleansing of financial issues, breakaway from past misdeeds and more importantly, the continued regular drill data releases suggests that BGM is going to work ahead of the curve to take the biggest wave up once both spec and retail investors catch on as to what is up........I give it 2 years or less for when the long term investor finally cashes their ticket on this potential whale and it will come through a buyout in my opinion.