Id say there could be a 40 - 42 cent total pay out but lets split the diff at .37. had you joined the party yesterday as i invited you all to at B2Gold (BTO-TC) youd have participated in a nice upside of 11% in 1 day. Amazing how doubelieveidont is connected His call is $2- $2.50 this year and why not. He has been tight and right over and over ( I sound like a commercial but there is no financial gain to us if you do or do not buy. This stock is a billion dollar market cap) . That said, Sgc is being capped by funds and mm's trying to wear out the longs that are left. After all if you collect 10 million at 28 and cash out at .38 it becomes obvious.Do the math and there is no mystery. Hang on and even buy more if you like a quick low ball 35% return in this volatile market.35% guaranteed is nothing to get antsy about but rather giddy.Show me that return in any market and ill take some- a lot! Sheesh some people!