TSX:LSG.DB - Post by User
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BrahmaViddoon Jan 26, 2016 8:53pm
Post# 24496476
heystupid is a PAID PROMOTER
heystupid is a PAID PROMOTERand a complete buffoon. Sad that people are probably believing his garbage promotions and pumping of OBAN and EXS. He's paid by the # of reads. EXS finished drilling the TPW property way back in December and TECK is not returning. My sources are excellent. The drill results are awful. Teck is walking away from the option. There is not company out there remotely interested in buying out LSG because they have NO RESERVES !!!!! How hard is that for people to understand. This stock is fairly valued based on reserves. Not pie in the sky bs scenarios of multi million ounce deposits at GAP. At best the GAP props up the broken leg of the Timmins mine complex and keeps the mill afloat.