Feb expiringtoday, must be some last day buying being treated as spot but for delivery in Feb.
Short covering for those still in Feb.
Pushed up price across to March contract a bit, now March down nearing the close.
I dont know where the weather forecast they were talking about at investing dot com being sllightly more cool than earlier prediction, my maps are saying warmer than average for the next 30 days east of the Mississippi.
At least we will get a clear direction on what March contract will trend tomorrow on the EIA storage report, as Feb contract will not exist tomorrow to skew the result.
I say a major drop in NG tomorrow no matter what the previous weeks draw down was, 200 or more no body will react to the expected old news.
There just isn't any weather cold enough in March since the sun being higher melts the snow away in that month everywhere south of Georgian Bay latitude.
Even the lakes are not freezing completely this year, ice fishing is a washout for sure. south of 45.
The glut will be on minds tomorrow.