"Alberta Loses Most Jobs In 34 Years As Oil Crunch Cripples dyod
"Alberta Loses Most Jobs In 34 Years As Oil Crunch Cripples Labor Market"
(Link below)
“Statscan’s annual revisions of its national Labour Force Survey data ratcheted up Alberta’s net job losses last year to 19,600, from the 14,600 the statistical agency originally reported in its final 2015 survey released in early January,” The Globe And Mail reports, adding that the losses “exceed the 17,000 jobs Alberta shed in the Great Recession in 2009.”
By the end of last year, Alberta’s unemployment rate had risen to 7.1% from just 4.8% at the end of 2014. As The Globe And Mail goes on to note, that’s the highest level in two decades. And it’s projected to get worse. Alberta could see unemployment rise to 7.5% in H1
Lost more booze hounds then thought. Existing ones will maybe drink more, but it will be the low margin chap brands. (imho)
Also, imho, those Wine ans Byond loctions gotta be missing their targets