About “The Interview”… I was extremely surprised by the “release” of “The Interview” since it was breaking any logical (legal?) communication rules.
There were no reasons for SBM to raise the bet and to communicate through such a channel, with the risk of backfire…
I was wondering in the last days about this subject…
I believe (as mentioned by ZukuenftigReicherSack, on wallstreet-online.de) that “The Interview” was just a private discussion, recorded by a german analyst, with a strong Austrian accent (to remain polite) but not dedicated to be released.
Probably due to the “explosive” content of this discussion, this analyst decided to merchandise such an opportunity via his own website… (I doubt about his naivety, but for his knowledge of the web)… The rest of the story is already known.
As a matter of fact, the quality of the recorded video (sound), the attitude of the participants, Attila’s over-confident statements,… seem to confirm that Attila was participating to a private discussion and was not aware that the recorded video will be “published”.
The good news is that Attila confirmed the advanced stage of the negotiations, the multiple participants and indicated open scenario (Note: I doubt that management might oppose a take-over – if any – even with the remaining options). Having said that, I hardly believe the figures mentioned (but do not exclude them), while assuming they correspond to the management targets (that might be revised afterwards).
Hopefully, the negotiations have not been negatively affected by “The Interview” accident...
The waiting game goes on...