GREY:PGDIF - Post by User
Post by
explorer49on Jan 30, 2016 8:24am
Post# 24508353
The Village Idiot Strikes Again!
The Village Idiot Strikes Again!The Village Idiot (aka Kaiser) demonstrates once again that he lost the plot long time ago. There's absolutely no one - not Mountain Province, not Kennady, not Dominion - that's going to make a takeover offer for PGD. To suggest it might be a hostile offer confirms that the Village Idiot has no idea what he's talking about. In six months PGD will be at 2c and facing another rights issue priced at 1c. By the end of the year the brothers will own +90% and the force out will happen at 1c. "At 45.8% of Peregrine the Friedlands are somewhat vulnerable to a hostile paper bid from a higher capitalized diamond company such as "Mountain Province Diamods Inc or Dominion Diamond Corp conditional on securing 50.1% of Peregrine. Majority ownership is critical because in a private partnership it bestows operatorship, so, assuming insiders let their worthless options die in a bid at $0.20 or lower, it is conceivable that Robert and Eric Friedland might one day be getting Chidliak cash calls from Patrick Evan, currently the CEO of Mountain Province and Kennady Diamonds Inc. Of course it is possible that another 5% of the stock resides in the hands of friendly offshore trusts that would never tender to a bid the Friedlands reject. But unless you are willing to speculate that the 5% are have an undisclosed legal allegiance to the Friedlands, in this brutal market a double from the new valuation benchmark created by the rights offering would be happily accepted by all other shareholders."