TST will get approve indeed but the SP confidence has already been damage heavily and yes alot has loss magnificent amount of resources invested heavily LONG and actually believe and fell in love in the stock value.

This stock will go up yes but it will be slow very slow. For all that still believe in TST will be rewarded indeed but a major take over will happen in 2016 as exit strategy soonest as FDA gets completed. 

Let us all be in the right side of greed fellow investors and not worry or fear so much of what TST stock will present as long as your capital is not invested in this small cap ventures.. 

I hope you all our investing global markets for TST is just a drop in a bucket of opportunites in the global economy. There are lost of BIO, Energy, etc that are uptrending as we head to 2016 and showing very impressive breakouts! 

I am not here to gather followers or true believers but if you believe in the powers real investing you will allocate wisely as I did when i predicted with critical intel about the Drop on ADCOM weeks and week before it occured, the quick rise of TST from  .20-44cent to help others that fell victim of the drop and did not HEED the calls. Prepare your positions my fellow investors for TST will rise again and will not drop below .28s and the uptrend is very slow indeed.