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Zentek Ltd V.ZEN

Alternate Symbol(s):  ZTEK

Zentek Ltd. is a Canada-based graphene technology company. The principal business of the Company is to develop opportunities in the graphene and related nano-materials industry based on its intellectual property, patents and unique Albany graphite. The Company is focused on the research, development, and commercialization of graphene-based products. The Company's technology helps filter and deactivate pathogens to reduce the risk of transmission. The Company is focused on commercializing ZenGUARD, which is a hydrophilic, water attracting coating that adsorbs bacteria and virus-laden aerosols and deactivates them, increasing public safety, and reducing the risk of transmission of COVID and other pathogens. The Company is developing a graphene-based fuel additive that can reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from diesel and bio-diesel fuels. The Company’s developments include Aptamers & Rapid Detection and Graphene-Oxide Synthesis & Graphene Synthesis.

TSXV:ZEN - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Comment by naimarantzon Feb 04, 2016 11:12am
Post# 24524071


RE:RE:RE:Niaomi My experience is ZEN management does not take investor phone calls. Did you talk to management and if so who did you talk to and could you update the board with the details of your questions and their answers? This is an opportunity for you to provide something meaningful to the board, or are you going to evade this question too?
Muskevite wrote: Why don't you phone management and ask them. I'm just a fool? Musky

Bullboard Posts