It becomes easier....When you're psychologically prepared to wait until 2050 for these people at the FDA to do something decent with their own lives, and more importantly, FOR THE LIVES OF OTHERS who are dying from a disease that we have a treatment for. "You know, a lot of people have died from cigarette smoking. But not quite enough to deem it "illegal". We need a bigger sample size of deaths from smoking in order to ban it."
Said no one.....ever.
Funny how they are more interested in letting people die BOTH WAYS. From the cigarettes AND from the lack of treatments. Honestly, bahhhhh bahhhhh bahhhhh. Sheep. I will rally these sheep and turn them into sheep with a purpose. To spread the word of FDA failures in every industry known to man, and start publicly mocking these employees of the agency thru various social media outlets, and inundate them with even more bullshit from 1000 different directions simultaneously. Haha. Naw. But seriously, if you know an FDA employee, please point and laugh at them and single them out and no matter what they say to you, NO MATTER EHAT THEY SAY, keep interrupting them and trumping them with "Shutup Sellout!" every time they open their mouths. The only way things change is the day these people realize that no one on the planet would trade places with their glorified, educated, corrupt, garbage DNA :)