SS - minus the emblem - right ?Yeah.... I'm sure I'm not the only guy out there whose stock is down....
Thing is.... I never thought this stock would go down - prior integrity purchase...
It was a sit and wait - and then tonkawa came first - and nothing....then integrity - the big one
And still nothing - and so much more and its been a slide ever since...
Its not a question of don't hold a stock too long - its a question of - why has this stock slid
On good news- acquisitions - multiple - and even with a mediocre q3 of pressing over 3 million technically a tad over 1 million....
Such trade secrets as yours - - - don't hang onto a stock too long - - - somehow doesn't fit this
Abnormal situation.... Of a stock that's valued far higher - but continues to drop - defying all logic and reason.... With walls and all at a swap meet.... And no - not athelic.... Grr !
Even if a trader chased the stock from .125 - and averaged down to the median of .07 cents - do you know how much stock they'd have to buy ? An incredible amount - and of course the greater you chase and buy - the more it costs - but... what if the stock keeps dropping ? Yes.... Thsts right....
It requires all the more stock buying - to average down.... This stock is not a typical chase once - its a steeple chase.....l've tried several times - working the math - and it certainly would be a foolish move to have chased it - knowing its defied all logic and now sits at .035 cents....UFB - great acronym. Quite fitting - I'd say....
Lastly - haven't you heard ? I patented that statement ..... Search it out - under patent listings #
Fool who bought stocks.... Lol. (Tease)
Cheers !