Fair Enough JoeIf PYDs market value can stay the same during a share consolidation, then there may be a number of reasons to go through with it. The consolidation would have to be coupled with some really strong news in order to help prevent any initial losses. When Poydras puts out Q4 numbers maybe they will also mention consolidating, or even better a share Buyback. Bombardier is doing a share consolidation near the end of February to prevent being delisted from tsx. It will be interesting to watch what happens. If a company like bombardier falls after a consolidation, then there is a very poor chance Poydras could maintain its market value through the same event. Just look at LND, they put out record breaking quarterly numbers and then dropped 40 percent when they consolidated the next day. I honestly believe when the future numbers come out for PYD, it will be a three bagger whether or not any funds want a piece.