Mid March MeetingWant to know what is really going to happen mid March.A bunch of Chinese Delagates will be meeting with our government meanwhile a team of special engineers (8)to be exact will be viewing entire 340 km path including river crossings & where camps would be set up in the RO.F.They will be flying by airplane to view entire track by air.Then they will do a report to recommend best way to proceed with the rail.KWG will receive a copy of report as bridges will also be build in accordance with rail and other landscape challenges.
Provincial government already gave clearance for talks to proceed otherwise KWG Management would not have met with reps in China and everything went well as Frank came away with a M.O.U .So,everything WILL come together,so have some vision and patience for all parties to put this deal together.Please,folks only write factual meanful information on this site to assist KWG shareholders who are long as we see this large project to open up northern ont.
In time you will see my dialogue is factual & meanful so buy more shares at this low price because after a deal is signed no one will feel like paying a much higher stock price.This historic deal will go forward in 2016.