RE:2016 plans moving forwardThis is brine details. Now, without getting your shorts in a bunch and while I will admit I could be wrong, the engineering he is refering to was for Ph I. That is what was continuously expressed. As much as the Pilot Plant was part of the report, I got the sense it got designed after as a result of the market and possibly financing obstacles.
My conversations with Robin was one or the other with the Pilot Plant maximizing on the magnesium for revenue reasons.
As for the business decisions on wherther to pass on GSFC or if there are better deals in the wings regardless of the Framework Agreement is for Robin to evaluate. They have talked to many people, but anyone serious? If yes he has leverage, but if no one is stepping up, only he knows. I would then suspect he will make whatever recommendation accordingly. The decision requires objectivity and nothing either of us may think or say, my dear friend, we still do not have all facts.
There are other factors Robin has claimed that has not helped such as the Bought Deal that did not happen limited ability to raise funds.... Again excuses or a reality that has hindered their abilites..... Anyhow what counts is going forward.
Unfortunately, getting everyone to agree as much we may think something is a no brainer is evidently not always shared even among Board members.
While I have some concerns, when you get past the sales pitch and tough talk, I suspect Robin who does not seem to have any issues with GSFC will find a happy balance that can hopefully salvage everyones obligations.