ALIX & LITHIUM AUSTRALIA FARM IN: BINDING TERMSPhase 1 – LIT may earn a 25% interest in the Project by;
· The issue of 500,000 Fully paid ordinary LIT shares to Alix (following LIT shareholder approval due to no placement capacity, EGM to be held within 60 days of this term sheet)
· The issue of 500,000 Partly paid LIT contributing shares paid to A$0.0001 each (A$0.2499 unpaid) to Alix (following LIT shareholder approval due to no placement capacity, EGM to be held within 60 days of this term sheet)
· Expenditure of A$150,000, spent entirely on phase one work. Alix to be the operator
· LIT to subscribe for CAD$100,000 private placement in Alix Resources at CAD$0.05 per share and a 1 for 1 attaching CAD$0.075 one year warrant.
Phase 2 – LIT may earn a 49% interest in the Project by;
· The issue of 500,000 Fully paid ordinary LIT shares to Alix · The issue of 500,000 Partly paid LIT contributing shares paid to A$0.0001 each (A$0.2499 unpaid) to Alix
· Expenditure of a further A$250,000 within 12 months of signing. Alix – LIT combined board to agree on scope of work, LIT to have deciding vote.
Phase 3 – LIT may earn a 65% interest in the Project by;
· The issue of 1,500,000 Fully paid ordinary LIT shares to Alix
· Expenditure of a further A$1,100,000 within 24 months of signing. Alix – LIT to manage all work program facets.
· Cash Payment of A$250,000