RE:More announced Sales from the past
Nov 2013, Remember when the CEO said they'd have the STC in 2 months, blah blah, under promise and over deliver blah blah. I pointed out that the unit hadn't been safety certified never mind getting the STC in that time frame? I believe I also mentioned something about FLY having taken almost two years to get an STC in that region, all on deaf ears.
I thought that this deal could have a chance but it did seem a little desperate.
Star feels confident that, properly utilized, the STAR-A.D.S. ™ system can help AlMasria save approximately 3-5% of their fuel budget. Based on each aircraft flying 2500 hours per year, the aircraft would consume approximately $17,000,000 worth of fuel a year. Star's portion of the savings could be between $255,000 and $425,000 per year based on the profit share arrangement. Over the 5 year term of the contract, the compensation could be between $1,275,000 and $2,125,000.