OTCQX:BGMZF - Post by User
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Rollercoasterblueson Feb 11, 2016 12:26pm
Post# 24548336
The Ole Bait and Switch move.....
The Ole Bait and Switch move.....A year or so ago, the Chinese gov't was encouraging citizens to play the stock market to grow their standard of living.....we all know what happened next.
Every pundit and expert who are herd-know-it-alls were singing the death of gold above $1000 about 6-9 mos ago and that the U.S economy was just revving up for an extended peak cycle run even after 6-7 years from the Great Recession.......Yellen at the Fed confirmed this by HIKING interest rates last fall but the wise looked at all of the extra paper being printed, and debt hanging out there to know that it didn't add up worldwide with many economies.......so now Yellen said that she can't leave out the possibility of interest rates going the other way and even into negative?
Thank you!!! ...but I feel for those who got suckered ONCE AGAIN listening or following the HERD but cause eventually, you will get knocked down and trampled! The buying season on juniors is about to commence....do your own DD and don't listen or follow the herd too closely......run ahead of them so you can get to your destination safely first and sit back and watch the show.....