Ms Golucky and Mr MooseWhat exactly are you trying to achieve with your posts? Are you trying to drag the share price lower to buy more? Are you trying to deter others from buying this stock? Your posts will in no way help get the share price up so you can get your money out. Don't you have anything better to do with your lives than post the same garbage every day? If you don't have anything useful for us readers, keep it to yourselves, we are all well aware of your opinion of the company. Why don't you two just send each other private messages bashing the stock between yourselves!! If it is absolutely necessary for you to continue your bashing to the public or as you say "relaying the facts" or "realism" why don't you wait until the end of first quarter to do it. Please don't respond by saying that you have been waiting for 10 years and that you have been hearing the same promises over and over, you've already told us. You've waited this long, 2 more months won't hurt you.