Please read Sorry moose I forgot, your job is to deter people from buying this stock so you can keep saying "I told you so".
Before everyone puts sell orders in and dumps their shares today based on what moose writes, please read this press release from 2013:
On June 28, 2012, the Corporation announced the signing of a Master Distributor Memorandum of Understanding ("Range Gen MOU") with Range Gen LLC ("Range Gen") of Sterling Heights, Michigan, together with the receipt of a purchase order for 500 units. An initial delivery under this purchase order was made in July 2012, at which time dynaCERT delivered a total of 12 HydraGen™ units to Range Gen in accordance with the purchase order. While such units were in the course of delivery, 4 units were diverted for delivery to another customer. Shortly thereafter a dispute occurred between the principals of Range Gen and various third parties, which resulted in legal action being commenced in August 2012 among Range Gen and such third parties whereby Range Gen sought to defend its business interests and Intellectual Property. dynaCERT was not party or named in any legal action but was advised that until the matter could be resolved there should be no changes or public disclosure made in order to reduce the potential risk of the Corporation being brought into the legal action involving Range Gen. Accordingly, no further deliveries were made under the purchase order and the purchase order was subsequently cancelled.
I have repeatedly asked moose what promises he refers to when he says that "Jim doesn't keep his promises" and have yet to get a straight answer. Correct me if I am wrong but was Jim even running the show when they announced a PO for 500 units or was it the old crooked management? Didn't Jim become CEO in 2013, 1 year after that statement was made? Moose may have been in this thing for a long time (or maybe not) but take what he says with a grain of salt. I will agree with him on one thing though, you should call or visit the DYA office to get your facts from the horses mouth rather than the mooses mouth. If moose replies to this post saying that nobody answers the phone there, disregard it, I've called twice in the last couple of months and spoke to someone on my first attempt.