RE:PolandI believe I answered your question about the bonds. I believe I said that from our discussions I assumed they owned the bonds. In my discussions, we talked about the 50% discount on the bonds, and the risk that the market was putting on the company going under. So from those discussions, and the fact that they clearly understood the pricing on the bonds, I logically assumed they owned the bonds. It doesn't take much to figure out the logic of owning the bonds and buying the equity. I believe I showed you that math yesterday.
Again, I ask you, what exactly is your problem with RR owning the bonds, other than management chirping about it?
Heaven forbid we attract people who actually want to invest their money in our company and share the risk with us.
And yes, a wildcat is a great example. Management has shown time and time again that they are bullies. And unfortunately for us, bullies who lose.