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Sylogist Ltd T.SYZ

Alternate Symbol(s):  SYZLF

Sylogist Ltd. is a Canada-based company, which provides software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions. The Company provides enterprise resource planning (ERP), constituent relationship management (CRM), fundraising, education administration and payments solutions. It operates through three verticals: SylogistMission, SylogistEd, and SylogistGov. It refers its software solutions and related services for customers outside these three verticals as SylogistServices. SylogistGov offers three cloud-based solutions, such as SylogistGov ERP, tailored for local government needs; SAVIN, an advanced victim notification system, and Grants Manager, streamlining award and grant management processes. The SylogistMission caters nonprofits, non-governmental organization (NGOs), and faith-based organizations. SylogistEd offers enterprise resource planning (ERP) and student information systems. The Company offers Time Clock Now, a comprehensive SaaS solution for streamlining time tracking and scheduling.

TSX:SYZ - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by lotus1on Feb 20, 2016 8:38am
Post# 24577596

Insider Buys 13000 shares

Insider Buys 13000 sharesFebruary 19, 2016 : Insider buys 13,000 shares @ $8.50, per TMX marker
Bullboard Posts