Profits...Profits...Profits...What will the Profits be??????As we get closer to the revelation of profits earned for the Q/E 12/31/2015, I thought we might just try our hand at predicting what the profits might be. Profits will be defined as the difference between "additions to Elder" and "gold and silver ingots" (see page 23 of the Q/E 9/30/2015 FS) plus "gold and silver ingots in inventory" (if any from the BS) less "net loss" from P&L.........Yep, it is unusual to add back the unsold production to measure profits. Normally, the unsold inventory is placed on the books at the lower of cost or market. Insofar as commercial production has not been declared, all of the mining costs increase the carrying cost of the mine and sales of metals decrease the carrying costs. In the case of ABI, the unsold metals have been placed on the books at "net realizable value" (page 9). The description that accompanies this treatment suggests that "the products are in transit....waiting to be sold". As such these ozs were produced during the period and their costs recognized during the period. As such to gain a clear understanding of the profit producing of ABI, they must be added back into the "derived" earnings for ABI. My prediction: $1,635,428..........Folks.....kindly add yours........