RE:RE:Look at garbageman october 4 post he bought in above $11why is this important to you ?
who cares?
he could be doing the oppostie of what he says he's doing and making a ton of money?
this is the interenet, noone is who they say they are or does what they say they do???
get a life or invest for real short or long because there is money to be made now that the oil bottom is in and oil is going back up to 50 wti over the enxt 6-9 months.
of course it won't be a straight line and there will retracing and testing supports but the big short game is over, just asj Russia and Saudis arabia and all of the banks that have billiosn in energy loans???
spend your time researching the best plays in the energy sector and buy them.
you yourself said don't buy oilsaands buy conventional producers, so you have a biased against oil sands??
you have a biased against MEG even though you state is only against ideaman.
if I had to guess I'd say you are short MEG and ATH and that's fine just admit it and we can discuss pros and cons of the sector and individual companies.