maybe 2016 is the year of big shale declines because new drilling drops can't replace the large declines?
we will see this Phonomenum for oil sooner that we will see it for NG.
it's already started in the shale oil fields with production dropping from a peak of 9.6 mbpd to 9.1 mbpd and declines will start to accelerate during the enxt 9 months.
how about NG shale drilling and declines and new drilling???
but it's fair to say that with the storage overhang it will take time to reduce storage to average 5 year averages.
but and big PMT could see much higher prices in 2017 for their NG produciton. east edson is a very good fields and they will keep it at full capacity in 2016 to keep costs down.
so longer term PMT could be a big recovery story but short term it's hard to call
I'm on the fence at this time DYODD