US shale industry ???Aubrey's death is unfortunate and my condolences to his family.
but this tradic incendent reminds me of another death back in the 80's if memory serves me.
there was a high flying gold stock that found gold by the bucket loads on it's proeprty and the stock was flying up 1000% and then one day the CFO fell to his death by falling out of a helicopter that was visiting the drilling site. was he pushed or was it suicide I can't remember but soon afterwards, it was discovered to be a big scam and the drill results were all laced with gold and the actual property had no actual gold on the site.
now I'm not saying that US shale is fake, it's not but the model is unsustainable, high debt, high land acquisition costs, and high decline rates mean bankruptcy in the end.
the shale will be developed in a responsbile way and will make money but that process will take time to develop and for now, the industry will go through a major restructuring before it becomes a safe place to invest again.
CND oil sands look like godsends
it might be too late for IMO to buy MEG, the gennie might have escaped already
just me 2 cents