RE:NewsNothing but good news. Two great pickups closing in April....
Brionor Res ( we get their Pitt Gold Property)....for $1.250,000 and it gives FF indicated ounces of 257,000 of gold at 7.83 and 6.91 grams per ton....quick math says its valued at a cost of .20 cents for each ounce of gold. Pretty good value to me!!
Clifton Star Res.....for about $18-$22 depending on the math used, they get .136 of the FF shares outstanding and we get......10% of a 4.3 million ounce property, 100% of a 200K in infered ounces of gold, 1.3 million ounces of infered gold in another project, $11 million CASH and 4 more stage 4 projects.....sounds good to me!!
Goldrush Resources - This is a rediculous deal, their management rolled over as far as I can figure, gave FF $3.4 million, 2 properties in West Africa, a few NSR 1% and 1.5% royalties for a few shares!!
All three of these deals are monster when you add up the protential resources. Would I like to see the stock price move, yes, will the tow April closes help, it should, do I believe in these guys, you bet....
Good or "Gold" luck to all.....MKR