Now what?My dear friends & MPV'ers. Just what IS going on here? Things were looking up as I watched the share price top $5.20 last week & I thought that we had finally started on the way to the pot of gold. But then this morning I see the bid is at $4.99 again, boo hoo, & I was ready to put in my order for a new F-150, the Mini Cooper to come this summer. Rats, got to get back to reality. It's so obvious that this stock is being manipulated, that I wonder if we will ever see an end to this. If you, like me, believe that someone is pulling the strings, then could this be happening? The TIGS, or whomever have decided they want more of the outstanding shares, maybe the sharp rise the past week without any news, could have been orchestrated and now the people that bought at the higher price will panic as the price drops, once again with no news, & the manipulators end up buying more shares at a lower price. I jiust don't understand the machinations of this stock, makes no sense to me, is there anyone out there that can explain to a simpleton like me?. Joke of the day. "A psychiatrist is a fellow who asks a lot of expensive questions your wife asks you for nothing".....rdgeo