RE:RE:RE:Trading since March 1 look at bottom@T64. You bring up some very interesting facts and if I take your point of view I fully understand that you are not sure that I'm right with my conclusion about CIBC. To be truthful I'm not a 100% sure myself and I'm still searching and as such I hoped others may join the debate as you did. I thank you for that. However, as much I appreciate your thoughts, I did not change my mind yet. Since I fully agree with you on RJ. we have no need to discuss him. So let's concentrate on the situation of CIBC. As you know if both of us as well as everybody else would have all the facts, which means we would have the same "facts," we most likely would come to the same conclusion. So it is clear that both of us deal with different "facts" or maybe what we only assumed to be facts but which are maybe only opinions. Searching for what we differ in opinions I came to this realisation: you think that the downfall and shortselling started with the departure of a CFO. I do not believe that but I must admit that this is indeed a possibility. In my opinion, an opinion I still find reasonable, The shortselling started because AVO is an ideal stock that lends itself to dishonest manipulation, because if such a manipulator would succeed to promote shortselling by either making investors beleive that something is wrong or by spreading false rumours like I heard in California at this time, such as cooking the books, or by exagerating the effects of the departure of a CFO, this stock which was trading with a small volume and a high E/P ratio would not only drop very fast but also recover fast, a fact that allowed some shorts and daytraders to make a killing. The fast recoveries of course came about because Avigilon at one time was ( or still is) the fastest growing Tech-stock in Canada which showed tremendous potential. So I repeat The departure of a CFO was not the cause but the excuse for the shortselling. AF had a very ambitious plan which was successfully executed and which did not allow any half measures be executives. I'm sure AF had good reasons for the changes in personels. Following the trading paterns of CIBC I often detected arranged tradings which have been done for one purpose only and that is to bring the price down which was of course essential to make shortselling as well as daytradings profitable. I would appreciate to hear more from you.