RE:Time to Jump Ship!CALLED IT!
If even one retail investor listened to my advice it was worth all the bullying and harassment I received for posting this.
I will probably buy back my shares today at a big discount, so all you longs can look forward to me being back owning CXR.
Valeant announced terrible earnings which I predicted. You can all thank me later. I don't understand how the pumper gang cannot see I am trying to HELP investors with valuable information like this warning that Valeant's earnings would be terrible.
Defender of the Board,
YouLose YouLose wrote: I think it is wise to sell into this rally, it is what I have done. Next week Valeant will announce what will probably be terrible earnings. This will drop the price of there stock and CXR will follow it down too (unfairly, but it will). I should be able to buy back my shares sold today at a big discount, maybe as low as $40. That is my plan at least but between the shorts, the day traders, and Valaent this sucker is going to reverse for a few days at least. Do your own DD of course, Defender of the Board, YouLose