RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:GoodieSeriously guys one of you is looking at the cash flow statement (Bwainclowd) and one at the Income Statement and Balance Sheet. The cash flow statement brings the two together. It's the better one to look at. Gleaning it we can observe that the loss per share is attributed to depriciation, ergo it is a purely accounting loss.
Once revenues (read Brent) are up then earnings per share will go up.
The tax assesment does not even count for anything considering that Albania owes more Bankers (VAT refund) than Bankers owes to Albania ($57MM tax assessment).
Liquidity is not going to be an issue. Reiffessen will roll its revolver.
good40 wrote: Thanks BrokerG. I'm very aware of their capex for 2015. What braincloud fails to understand is that
their loss per share wasn't affected by $144 million. Capex is not used for earnings.
Capex does not include operating expense, transportation and sales costs nor G&A, which braincloud
uses for the $144 million. Just a coincidence that it matched capex.
Capex is added to the balance sheet, depreciated over time.
If you purchased a rig for $1 million, that $1 million would not affect earnings... it would depreciate over a number of years. Next year it might be worth $900k, and $100k would be depreciated on the income statement.