Game on Mex, Yes I do think the area MHIA is interested in us for is Something high performance, maybe fast, hot bloody complicated. What does AAO have that Mitsubishi needs, something they couldn't develop themselves? Not enough time to develop? Urgent? (When I say Urgent, I know they release was last summer, but whatever we have, sounds like Mitsubishi needs.
Allen like other CEOs or investor relations, cannot say a thing until the lawyers on the other side of the NDA allow it.
Those locations listed in the PR show Boston and Houston. In Boston its where the geniuses are, (Close to MIT I guess), Also research office/centre of data analsys which really makes perfect sense IMHO.
Also in Boston, is Raytheon. And those two work very closely with each other.
Fighter jets have avionics issues with heat dispearsment. It was very apparent in the F22.......although I dunno if thats the ticket.
Just thinking outloud hear.
Easy, why not post a photo of all the shares you own in this good play. Then I might lighten up on you.