CXR Trading Like It Is A VRX Clone
When CXR is brought before a Congressional Committee re. price gouging, is being investigated by two U.S. Attorneys' offices, gets caught in bed with a specialty pharmacy which was/is allegedly altering prescriptions to fill with its own version of a medication, gets confused on an earnings report and conference call as to what they expect re. earnings guidance and debt pay-down targets, and is in danger of breaching a debt covenant by failing to produce its annual report by the deadline agreed to with its creditors, then those in here bashing CXR can preach to those who own the stock....Now there's obviously no guarantee that CXR will be a winning investment, but I think you'd have to be very nave not to believe that a good portion of what we are seeing re. CXR's price decline is due to investors assuming that CXR is going the way of VRX, and I just don't see that happening.....At the end of the day, I think it will be earnings, cashflow, return on equity, and paying down debt that will determine CXR's share price, and I think this stock has a good chance of producing solid numbers over the next 2-3 years.....