RE:nervous charactersrockcod wrote: As far as investing in the gold BGM has under wraps, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
Finally, Fishee, you've read a BGM MD&A.
The MD&A for Sept 30, 2015, contains, "A survey of the tailings facility at the QR Mill Site verified capacity of approximately 900,000 tonnes which will be adequate for approximately twelve years at the current permitted mine production of 75,000 tonnes per year" and, even more depressing, IMO, "Consequently, Snowden completed an update to the economic analysis for Bonanza Ledge in order to assess the relevance of the mineral reserve under the revised modifying factors. After the results obtained as at February 28, 2015 (refer to section Results of Operations), management decided to stop production and to put Bonanza Ledge under Care and Maintenance...The Company received its Mines Act permit for the proposed open-pit mine at Bonanza Ledge on December 5, 2011 and currently has a mine life of four years " and "(1) Mineral Resources which are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability."