Honda - hey big guy... Good to see you post....Yeah.... I feel the same - but - it appears most want this split - and I get what your saying - if they won't buy at this price - whose to say they will at the new price -
I will say this - I think many wanted to buy - and did buy - but humpty was there.... I've thought about it today - and tried to convince myself - thinking maybe it will be better trading - higher price - less day traders - and maybe the stock will fre itself from this rediculous tether... Maybe q-4 can rise this stock to a desent price - so it will be a better price going in - to the reverse.
As it is - it's been almost a year and it sure would be nice to see movement in this stock - all I can hope is that PYD has really big news - huge contract - or something incredible to press when the stock transitions - a safety insurance to guarantee an instant rise in price.... My target price is almost a dream now - it will take a miracle to achieve what I wanted to exit at....
So - we can vote on this ? I never knew that.... The way some were talking it was a done deal - and I guess it's easy for others to want this - perhaps their already averaged down - and their new price will be a par - as for me - it's a long ways away.... I'm still perplexed over this - one thought wants the price to remain as so and if ever they advertised to attract new investors it might just fly... Like another poster stated - he saw a stock rise with lots of shares just resently... Then the other thought is wanting better trading and maybe with a higher price things could be better... But the odds of other companies doing a reverse - well.... I've heard it's not good sometimes...
Secondly - VeeP - I am paying attention - and I just learned something in your post - it would appear that if I understood correctly the spread changes from 1/2 penny 1 penny... to nickel and dime spreads ?
See.... i never knew that...
hopefully I understood that correctly.... Hey... At least I admit I'm trying to learn...
Cheers !