THEY OWE $4.66 Billion Dollars!!!! CDN 3.5 Billion US!!!!If they are lucky It costs over $333 million a year cdn or$ 250 US in tnterest expense just to service the debt. EBITDA means nothing becuase it doesn't take debt expense into account, and EPS means nothing when debt is over 2 times the market cap. EDUCATE YOURSELF. IF this was growting at 20% 30% that would be fine, but it isn't. Growth is under 10%. I mean, they had to pay 10% interest on a loan to close the deal. and have a lot of the debt financed at 7%
If ignorant canadian fund managers continue to ignore this, the stock can go up, if they take the debt in account and realeize what this means, it will be visa versa.