7,900Exactly. I try never to under-estimate my enemies which is the reason why I choose option b. I have to disagree with your statement: " Doesn't matter on the long run". because it did matter for the past two years. AVO is the ideal stock to make money by spoofing. The volume is low and therefore subject to easy manipulation. Also, the rapid growth made the P/E approaching 100 at one time which in my opinion was justified but also attracted the kind of shorts who knew that no matter what they would do, this stock would eventualy recover. Besides the big sharks this also attracted some harmless people like Condor and/or factsinoo who tried to make this game work for themselves. It seems it makes some people feel clever if they succeed to make money because other people are "not so smart" and fall into the trap. For my part I prefer to invest in a team I think I can trust which is also the reason why I already made a fair profit on AVO, and this without any in and outs that harm other investors. This theory by the way has been confirmed in as much I had a meeting with some executives of CIBC which I bluntly accused of playing games. No surprise to me; they did hardly say anything in their defence. ( Just to avoid misunderstandings CIBC did not worse then other banks)