serafin wrote: digitel wrote: "Really overweight on this one now as it makes up about 30% of my portfolio ( I know, dumb and then some )"
It's not even clear Q1 is bankable if you listen to the conference call. Analysts have also been miserable understanding roll-ups like VRX and CXR as their target prices and earnings forcasts have demonstrated. Beyond that there are a number of risks that you can't control like Brexit, and politics in the US presidential election, etc. There is also little special about this company, in my opinon, that you couldn't find a number of similar stocks to spread your risk. You are just gambling, in my opinion.
Seriously, that's he best you could come up with is that i'm gambling. The reason that I post confirmations is to prove my credibilty and that I'm not making up my claims.
I do have a diversified portfolio and I am overweight on this one but no guts, no glory as they say.
TCK.b is my top performer so far this year , four times the profit that i've made with cxr and just off the top of my head probably $60k+ so far, out of it and have open order bids lower if they get hit.
LSG was a big winner for me but got out before the recent buyout.
I hold 25k shares of BNK at much lower levels whick is currently being bought out at $2.20.
Archive my posts and you'll see that I confirm most of my buys and sells the day they are filled.
Lots of peeps come on these boards with claims, difference is I can prove it.
I believe CXR is seriously undervalued here . We're not talking about some about some venture
stock .
I put my money where my mouth is on this one and even if it drops another $5.00 which i hope
won't happen I would still be even.
Like I said let's give it at least another quarter before passing final judgement. gla