RE:Hi Ho Silver - away... lol ( yes - you did say pump ) lolIt's a little ridiculous to always mention how sharp your mind is and how amazing you are at remembering things, when you have people who actually have sharp minds telling you they are worried about you because you won't stop asking the same questions over and over. It's funny that you used that post as I had wrote it in defense to you saying that I was Pumping stocks. I was using your words and defending my stocks that did really well. Instead of hating you could have been making money. You never mentioned what the other stocks you hold are? And you never mentioned the answer to my question. .. if PYD went up and you made money, would you feel sorry for the person on the other side of the bet who lost money? .... sorry Wango, no matter how many times you say it, you're wrong. Threre is volatility in markets no matter what, and someone is always buying and selling. It's the entire basis for the market. You can't expect people to just sit on their hands during the kind of volatility we are seeing these days and just hope a company constantly goes up.