RE:Tahoe shareholders got screwed worse than LSG sapsThat is not completely true, though my proof it isn't a
total disaster to both THO and LSG shareholders is not
and endorsement of the deal.
The gold silver ratio is now 1/80 or 1 oz of gold buys
80 oz of silver. The normal ratio when gold is bubbled
is 1/15 or 1 oz of gold only buys 15 oz of silver, since
silver has regained its place as a prescious metal when
gold bubbles.
That will attract a lot of buyers and price move up, to
silver stocks like THO.
Once again I am not endorsing the deal, but just saying
it's not the total loss some think.
For me, THO is located
in too unstable south america countries that could
confiscate its mines during a world collapse. Leaving
THO shares frozen to trading in or out, till ownership
is turned back to THO years later.
Plus I along with the rest of the LSG longs lose the
great amount of shares we have in much more stable
canadian gold based mining areas, of LSG.
Gold leads silver's uptake meaning the movement of
LSG's share price would have been very nice too,
and much easier to get to $10 than THO getting to
$70, ie 7 Xs the shares amount we lose being
converted to THO.
THO would probably get to $70 but do you want to
risk it in the more unstable south american countries,
more subject to confiscation of foreign mines during
extreme conditions of world economic collapse?
'Egon von Greyerz Warns The World Now Faces An
Economic Disaster' "On the heels of wild start to the 2016 trading year, today the man who has become legendary for his predictions on QE, historic moves in currencies, and major global events, just warned that the world now faces an economic disaster. He also discussed the historic opportunity in the silver market."