The Future of PHMThough not what we were hoping for they are doing what is necessary to clean up the mess left by Dalsin. Companies that should have never been bought in the first place etc. We were all conned by Dalsin and and he conned Casey Hoyt as well. That said I think Casey and his team can get this back on track in the time frame he states. The reimbursement cuts were a bit of a double blow and they are dealing with all these issues. We will just have to wait a little longer than we thought before PHM is back on a clear path of growth again. He did not sugar coat it as Dalsin would have and told it like it is and in the release and I feel can and will get this running like it should. Adjusting to all this takes time the same as many oil companies taking steps to the new reality of oil prices PHM is adjusting for this business as well and are taking the right steps I feel. N3