hot $$ short term, BIG MONEY=LONG TERMbrad nullmeyer will lead fleet mng't, expected growth 5% organic +10% service fee's +tuck-ins, 2016=$1.25eps X 12.5 multiple=$15.60. 2017=$15.60 + 15% growth + (a dividend to be announced) =$17.90 steve hudson to lead asset mng't co. with a NAV of $5.00+(over capitalized and will innitiate a dividend,or a special dividend $2.00, or a share buy-back plan). The stock value $15.60 + $5.00+= $20.00+ is under valued because the long term "BIG MONEY" wants to see the talked about growth proven and the split and dividends finalized. Of course when the confusion and uncertainty is gone the share price will already be at $19.00 AND YOU WILL HAVE MISSED THE OPPORTUNITY.-joe