RE:Star Applies to Extend Term and Reprice Certain WarrantsMy thoughts:
This may seem counter-intuitive but I see this as the only positive press release from the last bunch.
Let me begin by saying I've always been against the extension of warrants. Warrants have a certain time frame and when they expire they should just expire. Star has made a habit of extending warrants likely because insiders own a whack of them. Star has enough dilution, warrants just adds to the problem. No one will take Star seriously until they clean up their share structure.
Now for the positive. Assuming that it is insiders (and I'm 99% sure I'm right) that own a bunch of the warrants being extended, why go to the trouble of extending these warrants if they weren't anticipating better times ahead (yes they could be deluded and their track record is not good ... BUT at least their remains a faint glimmer of hope). If bankruptcy were imminent I don't imagine they would go to the trouble of extending warrants.
So bottom line is that insiders are still hoping to cash out in the long run which gives me a tiny, tiny, tiny glimmer of hope of recouping my losses in Star.
Just my 2 cents