FullReversal wrote: zoj1982 wrote: Can you say me, for them it is written what they have 2000 debts, it much for such firm? what prospects does she have on the future? Simply I already had one Chapter11 firm,,Swift Energy,, and other my firms stand very close to bankruptcy, I did not think that oil can so long be down, now I simply want to return my money back, but it it will be very heavily to do.
One of our friends is a complete novice in self investing. He was 100% mutual funds until we started chatting about it and he moved to self investing newy opened TFSA accounts for himself and his wife (and his wife has no idea!). This is no joke!
One thing the poor chap still doesn't get is that on liquid stocks like this, selling a bad stock is a $10 trade for him $10!!!
As a novice, his has the notion that "if I hold it long enough XYZ will recover". He still doesn't get that he is much better to move his cash into the best possible plays he can find.
Right now, our #1 pick is BTE so I'm not sure about the other stocks you talk about but BTE is assured not to go bankrupt. The long term debt is only due in 2021 and only god know what oil will be but as world population continues to grow and developing nations migrate from bicycles to cars, you can expect oil demand to continue to rise. Both India and China (the two top competing factories of the world) play to DOUBLE in the next five years!!! As the Saudis have stated, they have no concerns about the lack of demand.
So sell your iffy plays and buy into a solid oil recovery play. BTE is #1 in our books and we don't even have a good #2 for oil BTE is such a no-brainer! If anyone here or elsewhere wants to propose an alternative, my costs to move my stocks across all three of my accounts is less that $21. I'll do it in a heartbeat.
But it has to be a large cap trading as a small cap. One with great take over potential like BTE and one that have a formiable and dedicated team of clowns trying to keep it down.
That's the recipe for fabulous gains and fun entertainment! LOL