GREY:CHALF - Post by User
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slimjim11on Apr 14, 2016 10:26am
Post# 24766079
US listing followed immediately by a big print
US listing followed immediately by a big printWe're all making conjectures on this board as to what the future holds, here's mine. I think it's a relatively easy thing for the company to poll every consultant, lawyer or accountant who had access to founders shares, and find out who would want to participate in a block trade. I've watched this kind of block assembly in motion when I worked on an institutional sell-side desk in the early nineties. On, or immediately after, the US listing which I expect around the time of the year end results on April 29, you'll see a handful of US buyers put a few million dollars on the table - a tiny position in the context of the US investors - and in a flash, the overhang will be gone and the long US investors will begin the run up. Exactly this scenario happened to another company I follow last week, where an 11.4 million share overhang disappeared in a single print: 5 million bought back by the company, 4.4 million placed with 17 institutions and 2 million held in a company treasury account to offset the effect of compensation shares to be issued on success to management. (Student Transportation - Toronto). The playbook is on the table, let's watch the action. If you're not on the call list for the block assembly on the sell or buy sides, the only way to beat the action is to front-run it, by buying in advance of the print. Because my scenario here is pure speculation, not based on any hard knowledge of events in motion, it's perfectly legal.